Conditional Shortcodes

Each of the following shortcodes has a condition that must be met for anything between its opening and closing tag to be displayed. If its condition is not met, anything inside it will be ignored (including further shortcodes).

[if-all-day]…[/if-all-day]The event is an all-day event.
[if-not-all-day]…[/if-not-all-day]The event is not an all-day event.
[if-title]…[/if-title]The event has a title.
[if-description]…[/if-description]The event has a description.
[if-location]…[/if-location]The event has a location.
[if-not-location]…[/if-not-location]The event does not have a location.
[if-tooltip]…[/if-tooltip]The plugin is currently generating a calendar grid with tooltips.
[if-list]…[/if-list]The plugin is currently generating an events list.
[if-now]…[/if-now]The event is taking place now.
[if-not-now]…[/if-not-now]The event is not taking place now.
[if-started]…[/if-started]The event has started (even if it has also ended).
[if-not-started]…[/if-not-started]The event has not started.
[if-ended]…[/if-ended]The event has ended.
[if-not-ended]…[/if-not-ended]The event has not ended (even if it hasn’t started).
[if-first]…[/if-first]The event is the first of the day.
[if-not-first]…[/if-not-first]The event is not the first of the day.
[if-multi-day]…[/if-multi-day]The event spans multiple days.
[if-single-day]…[/if-single-day]The event starts and ends on the same day.